Oh, Hi

I enjoy writing, and got to be reasonably good at it in college. I went into a line of work where, aside from occasional technical documentation, I don't get to write much. I'm hoping this will be a sort of outlet.

I'm an amateur radio operator, call sign W6KSR. I expect, in keeping with the write-about-what-you-know adage, that I'll be writing about amateur radio quite a bit here, but there may be other topics as well.

If you know me from amateur radio, you know I've ardently striven to separate amateur radio from sex, religion, and politics; I've always considered the avoidance of those subjects to be sound and courteous practice. I can't make a similar promise about this blog. In the never-ending search for stuff to write about, I may let it slip that I voted for candidate X or candidate Y in the recent election. You might find out what I've learned about climate change or the origin of the universe, or what I think about FCC filing fees for amateur radio licenses. There may be mature subject matter and there very well might be a four-letter word or two. What I can promise is that I'll never rip on somebody for whom they voted for or for where they're from (I've seen enough of the US and enough of the world to know that geographic generalizations are silly), and that I'll do my best to write lucidly and interestingly about topics that are worth writing about. I hope you find them worth reading about.


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