
Showing posts from October, 2024

Of Sinister Slings and Dancing Peacocks

Two things. First, generalizations are, well, general. For one thing, to the extent that I pay attention to football, I like Liverpool, who would never be mistaken for a team with an underdog mentality. I have some very good friends who are Dodger fans. Our interactions are peppered with the sort of good-natured ribbing that makes baseball fun. This isn't about them. This is about Karen and Chad and that special kind of entitled front-runner fan who feels that the world owes them a pennant.   Second, I find meta-media critiques to be tedious. The liberal media are biased. The media are normalizing the presidential candidacy of a man whose loss of mental sharpness is becoming as obvious as is his hostility toward the norms of democracy. The media are motivated entirely by clicks and eyeballs; if it bleeds, it leads. Blah blah blah. It's become tired and predictable. So naturally, I'm going to dive right in and discuss the abysmal coverage, thus far, of the Major League Baseb