The First Three Years
On July 6, 2019, I took the exam for the amateur radio Technician class license. I knew right away that I had passed, but I had to wait more than a week until on July 15, 2019, I looked at the FCC call sign database and found my name listed with call sign KN6DBC. My reasons for taking the exam were twofold. First, as a former shortwave listener (SWL), I was looking for ways to rekindle the enjoyment of using radio as a hobby in what is now, for all practical purposes, a post-shortwave world. Second, as a recent empty-nester, I was looking for opportunities to do some volunteer work. I'm a sailor, and have been around the water my entire life. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary looked like it might be a good place to give something back to the community. Since I don't own a boat that would make a suitable Auxiliary facility, I thought that having the radio amateur license would give me a useful skillset that I could bring to the Auxiliary. Much has happened over the ens...